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About the Hackathon

The Hackathon will start on Day 2 of ESF CoCo 2023, and will be themed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This event will focus on innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving within the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). This hackathon provides participants with an opportunity to explore global challenges and develop practical solutions that contribute to a sustainable future.

Event Format

The hackathon consists of two aspects, each designed to assess participants' skills and ideas:

CODED SOLUTIONS (100 Points) :

Participants will work in teams to tackle a set of predefined coding challenges using the Replit Teams collaborative coding platform. These challenges have been carefully selected to address specific issues related to the UNSDGs. Through coding, participants will demonstrate their technical expertise, creativity, and ability to develop practical solutions.


Teams will deliver a pitch presentation outlining their plans to address one or more of the UNSDGs. This aspect provides participants with an opportunity to present their vision, strategy, and proposed implementation approach. Presentations will be evaluated based on content, feasibility, innovation, and potential impact.


To ensure fairness, we have established two divisions:


This division offers a more challenging experience for participants with previous hackathon or coding competition experience.


This division provides a supportive environment for beginners and those with limited experience, allowing them to develop their skills and explore innovative solutions.

Participants in years 12 and 13 are placed in the Veteran Division by default (to ensure fair competition) whilst participants in years 7-11 can choose which division they would like to join.


The hackathon has a total of 200 points available, with each aspect carrying equal weightage of 100 points. The scores earned in both aspects will be combined to determine the final rankings.

Team formation

You can either work alone, or in a team of up to 4 students. Teams can be predetermined before signing up, however there is an option of being assigned to a group.


Prizes from our sponsor companies will be available and the specific prizes being offered will be revealed on our website at a later date.

other details

Details on how to access the Replit Teams platform as well as the rubric for the presentations will be provided to participants after sign-ups close.

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